Jamie West jamie

*MP3 J. West - "Ride a White Swan" 2:27

Not much to add to this x-cept you can but it online as of Sept.9th with a re-mix cd/ep Tracks listing: (all mixes of R.A.W.S.): -

1. Red Rhythm Radio Edit 2. DJ Andrea Montaginni Edit 3. Red Rhythm DJ Biff Remix 4. Original Album Version
It is available at www.amazon.com

Actually a nice "disco/Dance" version ...... Hey "Witch Queen" did "Get It On" at the height of Disco (and had a minor hit in the USA)-nice to see someone try it again while Dance music is back in fashion. Clearly not for all taste but (showing me age) I will never forget the first time I was in a Disco Club in NYC and heard "Witch Queen's" cover - Over the moon-

Songs below were created by members of Till Dawn ("Tiller-Rex Band") for the Tiller-Rex Tribute CD. All are RealAudio

The Begining/First Basic Track/DemoTiller-Rex Band (Tape one)

Lofty SkiesTiller-Rex Band

Rip Off:   Tiller-Rex Band

Raw Ramp:   Tiller-Rex Band

These sound files and much more are also located on Romany Stew's Great audio page & for a huge selection of T.Rex Real Audios sounds try "Interstella Paul's" fanatstic "Boogie On" site.

  Romany Stew's Audio Files

  Paul's "Boogie On"